If a little bit of naughty is wrong, then we're Out of Line.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Dynamic Duo - Dana & Suzie

We are excited to announce our new partnership in our new studio!  A lot of you already know this.  But We thought we would fill you in on how this all happened...

It’s been a fun year since we met at a toddler’s party thrown by our mutual friend, Stephanie (You rock Steph!)

But when it really kicked off was back in April when we collaborated on a boudoir photo shoot… for each other.  So there we were, both in lingerie running around the studio, both of us playing the part of the photographer and model.  We barely knew each other, yet we were able to be comfortable and at ease.  We worked together really well and the whole thing went off without a hitch.  We were able to keep it all under the hubby-radar and boy were they surprised when we gave them albums from the shoot as anniversary gifts.

So that’s us in a nutshell…

OK, well maybe a little less ;)

In the last year we have done a few trips into the city for software and editing workshops and training with former playboy editor, Christine Wolfe…and with each trip concluding with the oh-so-important chicken and rice run.   Man that stuff is good!

We think we make a fabulous team and that great things will result of our partnership.  Check this video of a recent shoot and tell us if you think the same.